About Brave World Magazine

Brave World Magazine is a website founded as an unofficial magazine to share knowledge and opinions about the Brave browser and its cryptocurrency known as Basic Attention Token (BAT).
About the author
Call me Firemane. I am a web developer with 19 years of web development experience. I believe in honor, integrity, and decency. This site is filled with opinions and articles on how I see the world. My opinions may change over time as I gain new information and challenge my previously-held beliefs. I am not infallible. I will make mistakes and, if I do, I will do my best to make amends for them. It it my hope that my insights and knowledge will help others get excited about what I think is one of the biggest revolutionary concepts in web advertising.
I am not an expert or a financial advisor.
All articles on this site are just my opinion. I take time to research what I’m talking about as a matter of course, but again, I would not declare myself an expert. I am an enthusiast. As I always say, and you will come to know me for saying, “do your own research“!
Feel free to direct questions and comments to me here: firemane@braveworldmag.com